Previous Events (2019-2020):

Movie Night, 12th of Feb

12th of Feb, 8:00 PM, streaming "Imitation Game". Details on Discord (Discord invite on homepage)


Webinar By Professor Skoufranis, 24th Feb

Title: Linear Algebra, Quantum Information Theory, and Operator Algebras
Abstract:  Linear algebra has many connections to a wide variety of areas of mathematics, science, and technology.  One of the more recent connections is Quantum Information Theory where the states of quantum systems are studied.  In Quantum Information Theory, a quantum channel is a communication channel that can transmit quantum information such as a qubit.  More mathematically precise, a quantum channel is a trace-preserving, completely positive map between spaces of operators, such as the collection of n by n matrices.  In this talk, we will discuss linear algebra and its generalizations in relation to quantum information theory.  To be specific, we will examine the general behaviour of trace-preserving, completely positive maps on matrices and analyze a few specific examples.  Through these examples, some interesting structural results on the n by n matrices will be observed.  Finally, we will consider how this theory generalizes to infinite dimensions through the lens of Operator Algebras.
Informal Discussion, Wednesday, Jan. 27th at 3pm:
Professor Tom Salisbury will lead an informal discussion on counter-intuitive probability "paradoxes", namely the Monty Hall problem and the boy/girl problem (the latter of which prompted a long discussion on this server).
Quick Reads:

Chess Tournament (November 23rd, Wednesday)


Applied Mathematics Seminar (23rd of October, Friday):

Professor Iain Moyles gave a seminar on Cost and social distancing dynamics in a mathematical model of COVID-19.


Game Night; Sept 28th;

Social event, game night hosted via Zoom.


Orientation Event; Sept. 4th;

Our Discord Server (chat group) launch will be our orientation event, aimed at helping students continue to make friends during social distancing. Show up to chat with other math/stats students and/or enthusiasts. The Discord server also has channels for students of each year, to help meet people taking the same courses. There is also a channel for feedback and suggestions about Infinity Club. Join with the following link:

The Discord server will remain active all year.


Women In Math: March, 2020

Women in Math! A joint event with the Association for Women in Mathematics and the Actuarial science club in which a keynote speaker will give a talk on: "Why We Share Our Stories: Identity, Participation, and Celebration of Women in Math". Afterwards, we will enjoy some pizza and explore the Experimental Math Space.

Poker Night

Distinguished Lecturer Visit on January 29, 2020. 

Dr. Bob Rogers from SUNY-Fredonia came to speak to us about: 1) What you can do with your math degree and 2) a Math for Ed talk: "Teaching Calculus with Differentials Instead of Derivatives."

Movie Night: October 29, 2019

We had a great time chatting, watching a movie and enjoying some great pizza and pop.