Online Archive - Info For Professors

Infinity Club is YorkU's Mathematics and Statistics Club, we are authorized by the Maths Department to redistribute past midterms and exams, for papers given to us directly from Professors with permission for redistribution.

Infinity has been selling past papers for over 30 years; in the past, the funds have been used to host club events.

This year, we are starting the initiative to build an online past paper archive - the papers posted there will be available for free to all YorkU students.

Infinity club only redistributes papers with explicit permission from the Exam's Author/Creator, so if we have any of your past papers in our offline or online archives, you would know about them.

Club Infinity would appreciate past papers from any years, and for any MATH code courses, both undergrad and grad, and including MATH courses for non-maths majors.

Thank you very much for your time and for any papers you provide!


Our current Past Exams Directors are: Shirin Amiraslani, Serra Desdemir, Yuhan Bi, and Andrew Fallone.